Sunday, November 11, 2012

Hurricane Katrina

In class, we looked at how hurricanes form and their cycles especially with the tragedy of Hurricane Sandy.

For this blog, I am going to review Hurricane Katrina.

Hurricane was without a doubt a tragedy. There was so much destruction. It is something unforgettable. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association says that it was "one of the strongest storms to impact the cost of the U.S. during the last 100 years." It was a category 3 hurricane with 125 mph winds at landfall. It caused damage across New Orleans, LA, Mobile, AL, and Gulfport, MS to just name a few major cities impacted by this storm.

The Weather Behind the Storm

The above map shows the development and the path of Hurricane Katrina. It began as a tropical depression around the Bahamas on August 23, but became a tropical storm the next day. It was a category 1 hurricane right before it hit landfall in Florida on August 25. It gained more strength once it reached the Gulf of Mexico.  It became known as a major hurricane on August 26 as the warm Sea Surface Temperature strengthened the hurricane. On August 28, it reached maximum wind speeds of over 170 miles per hour. Hurricane Katrina became a category 4 before it reached landfall. When it did reach landfall on the morning of August 29, it was recorded as a category 3 hurricane. One of the major problems of this storm was the size of it as opposed to the category of force.
Here are some animations of landfall.

The Impact
Florida received over 5 inches of rain with some places reporting 15 inches and some flooding due to the rain. Furthermore, the winds caused even more damages. Miami reports winds as high as 80 miles per hour. These winds caused physical damage and power outage.
On the Gulf Coasts, records show that rainfall was over an inch per hour and some records show that it reached between 8 and 15 inches overall causing flooding. Winds also caused damage ranging from 80 miles per hour to 140 miles per hour. The levee that broke in New Orleans left about 80% of the city underwater withe some parts under 20 feet of water. Storm surges also left several cities in Alabama and Mississippi underwater.
Furthermore, rain bands from Katrina produces tornadoes affecting a larger part of the Southeast.
This storm left people without electricity and drinking water. Over 1.7 million people lost power in the Gulf Coast. This storm also affected the oil industry.
This storm killed 1,836 people as one of the deadliest hurricanes to hit the U.S.
The estimated cost of this storm is over $100 million.

Here is an interactive guide to the flooding caused by Katrina. This helps explain what happened in a creative visual way. Click here.

Here is a gallery of the damage from Katrina and the recovery of the city. It is impressive to see the difference. Click here.

Fall Break Trip
This year during Fall Break I was able to go to Slidell, Louisiana to do hurricane relief work. It is incredible to me that there is still so much recovery to be done. This area of Louisana was impacted by the flooding from Katrina and was hit again by Isaac. The locals said that now that the levee is fixed in New Orleans the water is coming to the rural areas. The home where we worked at got hit by both storms; however, the homeowner said that the house had not been impacted by storms before that. Here is a picture of the inside of her house. In it you can see the water line from Katrina. She said she was fortunate because the water came up but did not stay very long. The house was also flooded during Isaac, but only enough to ruin the flooring, so we put in new floor for her. As you can see from the second picture, her house unlike others on her street, is raised.

Most of the information about Hurricane Katrina came from:

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Sun Trajectory

On Tuesday, October 23, 2012, I collected data to look at the sun trajectory.
I marked where the sun was at 6 different points throughout the day. I also collected the temperature,the pressure, the relative humidity, and the general weather conditions for each time point during day. I tried to get an evenly spaced amount of time throughout the day between the sunrise and the sunset to get a clear picture of the direction of the sun and the conditions throughout the day.

It was difficult to try to accurately pinpoint where the sun was in the sky as compared to the 2D drawing. I tried my best. it looked pretty good for the most part. It was not as clear of a curve as I thought it would be. The points did not make a perfect curve in line with the other points; however, this is what I perceived and what I recorded. 

Here is data as collected in my lab composition notebook

Here is the chart recreated to be more clear:
Weather conditions
7:53 am
47° F
30.17 in
Chilly, sun rising, barely any clouds
10:33 am
63° F
30.21 in
Comfortable, sunny, scattered clouds
12:03 pm
73° F
30.20 in
Comfortable, sunny, few cirrus clouds
3:13 pm
80° F
30.14 in
Warm, sunny, few cirrus clouds
5:03 pm
80° F
30.10 in
Comfortable, sun going down, few cirrus clouds
6:43 pm
77° F
30.09 in
Comfortable, sun going down, few cirrus clouds

Here is a picture of the sun trajectory recreated to be more clear:

Here is a sun trajectory graph according toe GAISMA (
Sun path
June 21
December 21
Annual variation
Equinox (March and September)

Monday, October 22, 2012


This past week, we (my lab partner: Laura Lopez Sosa and I) made a barometer out of a glass container, a balloon, a straw, and tape. 
It looks like this...

Each day we marked on the paper of the composition notebook, where the point of the straw touched the paper. Then, looked at the Weather Channel application for the Iphone 4S to see what the barometric pressure was at that time and recorded it at the spot marked from the barometer. We repeated this process each day and were able to compare it to the days before. It was recorded around the same time of day each day. 
It was interesting to see the movement of the barometer, even if it was a small difference. 
The unit used to measure the atmospheric pressure is inches of Mercury, as measured by the Weather Channel. 

Here are the pictures and data collected from the barometer readings. 

Monday, October 15, 2012: The barometer was measured at 3:44 pm and the pressure was recorded as 29.87 inches of Mercury. 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012: The barometer was measured at 3:25 pm and the pressure was recorded as 29.92 inches of Mercury. 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012: The barometer was measured at 3:50 pm and the pressure was recorded as 29.87 inches of Mercury (the same as Monday). 

Thursday, October 18, 2012: The barometer was measured at 3:49 pm and the pressure was recorded as 29.79 inches of Mercury. 

Friday, October 19, 2012: The barometer was measured at 2:50 pm and the pressure was recorded as 29.83 inches of Mercury. 

Here is the notebook, so you can see the marked points better. 

Monday, October 15, 2012


This blog post will look at seasonality by looking at the differences of sunrises, sunsets, high temperature for the day, and low temperatures for the same day between six different cities within the relatively same latitude but different longitudes. The closer the city is to the equator the time of daylight and the time of nighttime become more equal. In addition, the closer to the equator the higher the temperatures and the wider range between high and low.

I looked at six cities along the 30° latitude.
The following is a chart with all of the data collected for today, October 15, 2012.

Kirkenes, Norway
69° N
Kyiv, Ukraine
50° N
Mallawi, Egypt
27° N
Kigali, Rwanda
1° S
Harare, Zimbabwe
18° S
Port Shepstone,
South Africa
30° S

Here are the pictures from Google Earth of each city.

Wind Rose Plots

Wind Rose Plots show the percentage of time wind blows from or to a certain direction and how fast the wind is blowing. I looked at wind rose plots from San Diego, California in March 1991.

The weather station is generally at the San Diego Airport; however, I believe the weather station is actually a little past the airport as seen in the Google Earth image below. The airport is at the red marker and I believe the weather station is at the yellow push pin.

I looked at the wind rose plot for March 11, 1991. One way to read a wind rose plot is to look at the direction the wind is blowing from. The following wind rose plots shows that perspective. The different colors represent the wind speed and the length of the slices represents the amount of times the wind came from that direction within the time period.

Station #23811 San Diego/Lindbergh Field March 11, 1991

Here is the same wind rose plot on Google Earth. It is an interesting perspective. It helps visualize where the wind is coming from in relation to the actual land.

Another way to present a wind rose plot is by showing where the wind is blowing to. The following wind rose plot shows that perspective for the same day.
Station #23811 San Diego/Lindbergh Field March 11, 1991
The following wind rose plot shows the monthly average for March 1991. This shows where the wind is blowing towards.
Station #23811 San Diego/Lindbergh Field March 1991 
The following wind rose plot shows the annual average for 1991. Again, it shows the direction the wind is blowing towards.
Station #23811 San Diego/Lindbergh 1991 

I got the data from the EPA. Click here to see archived data. 
I got the Wind Rose Plot software from Lakes Environmental. You can download it here
I also used Google Earth for the image of the San Diego weather station. You can download it here.

Monday, September 3, 2012


This first lab explores different types of maps, including choropleth maps, dot density maps, proportional symbol maps, isopleth maps, and environmental sensitivity index maps.

The first map is a choropleth map, which looks like this...

Chloropleth maps uses shades of color to show statistical information. It allows the viewer to quickly visualize the statistic. This type of map is great to show population because people can see that the darker colors are the areas with more people. This map specializes in presenting totals and ratios such as population and density of population.

The second type of map is a dot density map, which looks like this...

With a dot density map, each dot represents a unit of measure. In this instance, each dot represents 200 poor persons living in a nonmetro county. The dot density map allows the viewer to quickly see that the more dots the higher the density of what is being measured.

The next type of map is a proportional symbol map, which looks like this...

The proportional symbol map uses varied sizes of circles to represent proportion of what is being shown. In this instance, the larger the circle, the more Walmarts are in that state.

The next type of map is the isopleth map, which looks like this...

The isopleth map uses contour lines to show common features/values. It is sometimes colored in like above so that it is easier to read. This map shows the different average temperatures between March 18-24, 2001. The areas with the same color have the same average temperature.

The final type of map is the environmental sensitivity index map, which looks like this...
The environmental sensitivity map uses symbols and colors to show areas that are environmentally sensitive and at risk if an oil spill occurs. They include shoreline classification, biological resources, and human-use resources. 

The final aspect of this lab is incorporating a video,which is also a valuable resources for meteorology.